Great Job

Now - don't let lifestyle creep get in the way of achieving your goals.

Optimize Your Money Today!

Download our guide to making sure you stay in control of your money BEFORE you start your new role.

in association with 

Step 1 Download our guide

In association with Focus Recruitment we have prepared a financial planning guide for when you start a new position: 7 Steps to getting financially sorted BEFORE you start your new role.

Step 2 - Follow the bouncing ball

Now….follow the steps in the guide. This will help you to get clear on your spending priorities and take steps to ensure that you are on the front foot financially BEFORE you start. 

Step 3 - Get in touch

Focus recruitment have negotiated a complimentary 1 hour consultation with on the of the Moneyplanners team to help you with managing your money. If you have any questions or concerns about your financial situation, please call us and arrange a time to meet and discuss your situation. 

Lifestyle Creep: 

the more you earn, the more you spend…it gets in the way of achieving your goals.

Download the guide

Focus Recruitment Download
Your privacy is important - we take it seriously. We publish a quarterly newsletter providing our clients with useful information on personal finance as well as actionable ideas to help you stay on control of your money. We also occasionally announce new services for our clients.

Money Planners Ltd
PO Box 378, Whitianga
+64 21 457 692