Your biggest asset is your ability to earn an income. Without that, you and your family could face financial ruin. An insurance programme structured to suit your situation and needs is the foundation of every financial plan. We take a risk management approach to creating insurance plans for our clients.
Insurance Planning
Insurance Planning is not just about buying insurance. It is about Risk Management: Understanding the risks faced by you, your family and your business, assessing the financial impact of a risk event against alternative courses of action and developing an insurance programme to cover risks which cannot be address by other means.
Claims Support
Ultimately, the proof of any insurance programme is at claim time. For want of a better phrase; this is where the rubber hits the road and where your relationship with us pays real dividends. We will get to work to help with paperwork and ensuring claims entitlements are paid out as quickly as possible and, where necessary, we will negotiate on your behalf with the insurer.
Monitoring and Review
Too often, insurance programmes are not reviewed to assess their relevance over time. We regularly see clients whose insurances are no longer appropriate for their needs. We will contact you every year to remind you of the need to review your insurance provisions to ensure that they are still relevant to you.