Choosing a home is an affair of the heart as much of the head, because it’s often based on finding a property that will suit your lifestyles and aspirations as much as purely financial considerations. But property investment is about maximising a future income stream


Yield or Capital Growth

Buying and managing an investment property involves striking a balance between yield and capital growth.

  • Yield – the rental income from tenants as a percentage of the value of the property
  • Capital Growth – the increase in the value of a property over time.

Our role is to help you understand the variables and help you determine whether investment property is an appropriate part of your wealth creation programme.

Property Investment Analysis

As noted to the left; buying an investment property should be an affair of the head as opposed to the heart. We can help by providing the financial analysis required to assess the value and feasibility of a property investment. Whether that is modelling conceptually or against a prospective property, our state of the art Property Investment Analysis tool will help can provide critical and valuable information to assist with your investment property decisions.

Buy or Build?
If you decide that an investment property is a valuable part of your investment programme, one of the next questions is whether to buy an existing property, build your own or buy off plan. Each option has their advantages and disadvantages. We have a panel of builders, developers and real estate agents who can help. We are also available to prepare financial modelling of options you are considering.
Regular Reviews
Whilst buying an investment property is about investing for the long term there are fiscal, economic and personal changes which could affect the financial viability of your investment.  Our state of the art Property Investment Analysis tool (tailored for the New Zealand market) is a valuable modelling tool to help you understand the financial effect of such changes on your investment. We encourage all of your clients to regularly assess the financial viability of their investment to ensure that it remains as a valuable component of your investment programme.