Money planners quiz The Money Planners Quiz - June 2016 Every quarter, we will be putting together a quiz for our clients and visitors to our site. For this quarter, if you like cryptic crosswords or lateral thinking we think you'll appreciate the challenge or our cryptic quiz....all of the answers relate in some way to the world of finance but you'll have to think a little laterally to answer the clues.... If you'd like to enter our draw, all submissions which correctly answer all of the questions and solve the final anagram will go into a draw for one of three 12 month subscriptions to the MoneyPlanners Vault - a new client service we plan to launch in July - watch this space... Q1. Allocate Equity (5 letters _ _a_ _ ) * Q2. It could be a matter for the government in terms of insurance (6 letters _ _ _i_ _ ) * Q3. Superior cost of protection (7 letters _ r _ _i_ _ ) * Q4. Its all about safety in return for a home loan. (8 letters _ _ _ u _ i _ _ ) * Q5. Take back profit on investment (6 letters _ e _ u _ _ ) Q6. Opposing the East, please ask Clare, initially about the bank (7 letters _ e _ _ p _ _ ) Q7. Legally speaking the act of getting something from one place to another. (10 letters C _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e) Q8. Below the work of an author. (11 letters U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T _ _ ) I E T E S N T R Anagram * For every correct answer in questions 1 to 8 above you will see a letter appear above this question. These letters can be combined to create another word related to the world of finance. Please submit your answer above. Your Details First Name * Surname * Email Address * Subscribe to regular updates from Moneyplanners? * Yes, please No, thanks I'm already subscribed Your privacy is important to us. We will only use the information you provide here to send you periodic communications about personal finance and the latest quiz.